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Web Design Trends to Set You Up For Success This Year

Your promising new marketing campaign is up and running, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at your website traffic.

In order to operate a successful website (and increase conversions), you need to keep up to date with the latest web design trends.

In this post, we’ll discuss what web design trends you should be looking out for (and hopefully implementing) in the near future.

New Web Design Trends

Web design trends come and go.

These trends, however, are generally a reflection of other developments. For example, there seems to be a newfound emphasis on keeping web design simple.

This is a result of search engine algorithms and updates which favor user-friendly designs. But that’s just one example.

Check out the list below to see what other web design trends are making their way to the first search engine results page.

Mobile First Design

One of the most important web design trends around right now is designing a website with priority given to mobile users.

Recent search engine updates have renewed the importance of keeping web designs simple, clean, and ultimately more responsive.

With more and more people utilizing mobile devices to browse the internet, search engines have taken notice. As such, search engines now favor websites with fast loading times and user-friendly navigation.

Designing a website with mobile users in mind is a sure way to boost your rank on search results pages.

Minimalism and Simplicity

Also a result of search engine updates, current web design trends are now leaning towards more simplistic web designs.

First and foremost, a website should be designed with its user in mind. That is, your website should be easy to use and easy to navigate.

But this isn’t only for the user. Remember, search engines favor websites which are user-friendly. As such, ensure your users are able to navigate your website easily.

Doing so will not only create a better experience for the user, but it will also boost the site’s SEO score.

Content As a Priority

Have you ever heard the phrase “content is king“?

If you haven’t, it’s time to start creating content, and lots of it!

As search engines comb and sift through websites for indexing, the algorithms search and scan the pages for relevant information. Just like a simplistic website design, search engines favor sites with high-quality content written with the user in mind.

For instance, a navigation bar and internal linking structure provide search engines with the information necessary to properly index a website. Content, on the other hand, takes this a step further by providing search engines with more detailed information. This information is then used to categorize a website and evaluate its quality.

To win the favor of search engines, your website should include a blog page (if it doesn’t already) which is filled with high-quality and useful information (not only for the reader but for search engines, as well).

Robust Backgrounds and Color Schemes

Have you noticed websites are using more robust colors? If you have, you’ve already spotted one of the latest web design trends.

In order to set their work apart from the rest, web designers are getting more daring with their color schemes. For example, many websites are beginning to utilize brighter colors. These colors are often found in pairs and fade into each other with a gradient design.

Other design trends include using different colors which are layered, which are used to create more depth on the page itself. With this trend, even simple layouts can appear to pop off the screen.

Geometric Shapes and Balance

Another new element of web design used now days aims to create balance by utilizing different geometric shapes.

As web design continues to move towards the more simplistic, designers are beginning to add some flair by using geometric shapes and patterns to frame images and create some intrigue.

Other design elements you might start noticing include the use of negative space. This is particularly evident on websites which use lines and block shapes. One area of the page might have a splash of color which is then offset by existing white space.

In the age of minimalism, this trend could prove not only simple but elegant, as well.

Increased Depth

There’s only so much you can do with a flat screen, and it would seem that web designers are tired of everything looking the same.

To mix it up, websites are attempting to create more visual depth with the web page itself. This depth is being achieved using various design tricks, such as the previously mentioned layered color schemes.

Animation and Video

Who doesn’t enjoy a quality GIF image?

Although new website designs might not include your favorite meme on the homepage, some designers are getting creative with their use of GIF images and other animations.

An animation is a terrific way to convey meaning, whether it be how something works or part of a larger narrative. Animations also have the ability to convey more meaning more quickly than text can.

As a bonus, the file size of an animation can often be smaller than that of an image or a video, making it all the more attractive to web designers trying to optimize their website for fast loading times.

Simplified Navigation

As previously mentioned, current web design trends are beginning to favor lightweight and responsive page designs. As such, the websites themselves are becoming easier to navigate as designers parse down the intricacies of a website’s linking structure.

Remember, search engines have begun giving preference to websites which are responsive and designed with the user in mind (especially mobile users).

As a result, many web designers are making websites easier to navigate. In an effort to simply, some websites are even cutting down the number of navigation options by about five times the number found in older website designs.


Is your business on the grow but your website is having trouble keeping up with the ever increasing pace?

Implementing these web design trends is a terrific way to improve not only the user experience but the search engine results, too.

To learn how we can help grow your website (and thus your business), contact Bear Fox Marketing today!

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