Digital Marketing ROI

How to Find Your Digital Marketing ROI

The internet is growing and it shows no sign of slowing down. That means there are now more connected “things” than ever before — about 8.7 million to be exact. It comes as no surprise, then, that companies around the world are capitalizing on digitization. By doing so, they can grow their brand, expand their outreach, and build their bottom line. Yet, with so many tools available today, how can you make sure you’re getting the most out of your digital investment and maximize your digital marketing ROI?

We’ll take a look at a few metrics you can track throughout your campaign to make sure you’re seeing the results you need. Ready to learn more?  Let’s get started!

1. Monitor Your Unique Site Visits

One way to make sure your digital marketing efforts are paying off is by looking at how many unique visitors are browsing your online offerings.

Put simply, a unique visitor is an individual who visits your site at least one time during your designated reporting period.

Your analytics platform should be able to clearly show you this data. It can also weed out inauthentic “visits” from bots such as spiders or crawlers.

Measuring your unique site visits as your campaign progresses can help you identify if traffic is moving upward. It can also show you how it’s affecting your business.

You’ll be able to see where the visit originated, how long they were on your site, and what — if anything — they purchased.

2. Determine Which Content Delivers — and Which Doesn’t

Today, there are more platforms than ever before through which you can create and deliver content to your digital audience.

From blogs to social media posts, the layout of the platform itself often determines the form of your content. In addition, the audience type could differ.  What works for one user on Twitter might not appeal to someone on LinkedIn.

As such, simply monitoring the effectiveness of one type of content isn’t enough to give an accurate measurement of your digital marketing ROI.

Rather, you should be monitoring your content across all utilized platforms. You’ll want to see what’s a hit with your target audience — and what’s not attracting them as you’d planned.

Yet, it’s important to take this step as far as possible.

Did you identify a particular post or piece of content that generated tons of clicks and is tied to a surge in purchasing? That’s great, but keep digging!

Use these analytics to help you identify what your core customers prefer, what their tastes are, and what they’re most interested in seeing. Then, leverage this knowledge to craft the compelling content they crave.

3. Evaluate Your Landing Pages

It’s important to monitor who’s viewing your digital content.  Equally vital is to understand where they’re first accessing it.

By doing so, you can analyze your landing pages to determine which ones are seeing the most activity.

Typically, your homepage, your blog, and some of your heavily promotional pages will be some of your busiest.

One reason? You’re probably linking to these pages in other places on the web (e.g. a social media post that implores customers to “check out our blog!”)

Yet, your unique indexing may actually be driving customers elsewhere, such as to more obscure interior pages you didn’t consider.

Regardless of which ones ping the highest during evaluation, keep in mind that one way to optimize your digital marketing ROI is to make sure every page of content is rock solid.

In the online world, you only get one shot at a first impression.  Make sure that no matter when someone first encounters your brand, they’re blown away by your design, usability, and content.

4. Identify High Bounce Rates

To maximize your digital marketing ROI, use your online presence to encourage users to explore your site and make a purchase.

As such, it’s important to review data analytics that detail the bounce rate for each page.

A user “bounces” when he or she just visits one section of your website, failing to click elsewhere.

Some sites, such as a blog article, are typically intended for one-time use.  As such, they’re expected to have a higher bounce rate.

After you analyze which sites are measuring the highest for bounce rate, examine the content.  See if there’s adjust you could make to encourage users to interact more with your brand.  With a little extra work, there are some valuable software tools to identify ways to improve bounce rates.

5. Measure Leads on an Individual Level

A company’s approach to digital marketing can (and should) encompass myriad individual campaigns.

For instance, you could be running a social media campaign at the same time you’re seeking to optimize your website’s SEO to show up higher in search rankings.

As such, to track your digital marketing ROI, it’s helpful to separate leads by campaign type.

This can help you identify which specific actions are converting prospects, so you can do more of this type of outreach in the future.

For instance, a post offering a coupon code to loyal social media followers might have resulted in a significant sales increase. If so, this is a tactic you may want to employ again in the future.

On the other hand, if you invested heavily in a text-and-image-heavy blog detailing your latest promotion only to see a minimal profit, this may be an avenue you’d want to reconsider moving forward.

Building the Digital Marketing ROI You Deserve

Are you ready to take your digital marketing to the next level, cultivating the type of online presence that builds brand identity, encourages customer loyalty, and turns leads into long-term clients?

If so, we’d love to help.

We deliver powerful and smart digital marketing solutions that take into account every aspect of your virtual reputation, whether it’s SEO or PPC –  we’ve got you covered.

Contact us today to get started and let us help you redesign your digital future!

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