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Where Do I Start With Digital Marketing?

The world of digital marketing is ever-expanding and constantly changing. The tools and strategies that create amazing results one day aren’t guaranteed to work the next.  This makes it pretty difficult to run campaigns that produce.

What tools are you supposed to be using? What’s the best way to track your success? Should you be worried about what competitors are doing to reach users online or just focus on your campaign?

These are just a few of the questions that many business owners ask themselves when exploring the option of investing in digital marketing. But there’s good news – the process doesn’t have to be as complicated as it seems!

Here’s everything you need to do to create a high-performing digital marketing strategy.

1. Set Clear Objectives

The first step in any marketing campaign is to define the results you’d like to get out of it. You need to be clear as to whether you’re hoping to generate more sales or to build your brand exposure in your market, and that’s just the beginning.

If you decide to generate sales, focus on converting new customers or creating a campaign that will create repeat sales from users who already have a relationship with your business. If you’re still building brand exposure, decide how you want to tell your story and what you want users to associate with your business.

The more specific you can be in this step, the better your entire digital marketing campaign will be.

2. Establish a Digital Marketing Budget

You have to understand where all your money is going when building a new campaign. Between paying for PPC ads or hiring someone to write your SEO content, it’s easy for the cost of a digital marketing strategy to add up.

Other things you may invest in include:

  • social media ads
  • SEO
  • email marketing campaigns
  • affiliate marketing initiatives
  • a optimized website
  • marketing automation
  • custom photography and video content

Before you put money into any of these resources, you need to understand how much money you have to work with. This will help you prioritize the digital marketing tools you’ll be using and create a strategy that helps you get the most out of your investment.

3. Upgrade Your Customer Persona

It doesn’t matter which tools you use or how much money you put into a campaign if you’re not targeting the right audience. It’s not enough to understand that your primary market is composed of people who are male, between ages 20-30, and interested in sports, for example.

You have to get down to the nitty-gritty of their online habits and how those can work to your favor. Find out whether your ideal customer spends more time on Facebook or on Instagram. Research the things they typically search for online and get to know the influencers, blogs, and companies they interact with from their devices.

These are the details that will help you create a digital marketing strategy your audience is interested in and wants to further engage with.

4. Research Different Digital Marketing Tools

Just as you have to find out more about your ideal customer, you also have to research the various digital marketing tools available to you. You really may not need to invest in SEO and PPC and sponsored social ads and native ads. You may be able to create a stronger, more effective campaign by focusing on just a few tools rather than trying to use them all.

But, you can’t choose which tools to use at random.

It’s worth taking the time to see what competitors are doing and also see which marketing channels are getting the best results for your industry. Make sure you explore all of your options before putting together a campaign – even things that might seem like a bit of a reach such as influencer marketing or affiliate marketing.

If you’re looking to see how other marketing professionals invest their marketing budgets and what they see in terms of ROI, here is a nifty survey.

5. Consult a Team of Professionals

Keep in mind that you don’t have to create a digital marketing strategy on your own! There are many well-experienced, knowledgeable agencies ready to take this on for you. It makes more sense to put your new campaign into the hands of digital marketing professionals than to take on something you don’t know much about.

This isn’t to say that an agency has full control of your digital campaign, either. On the contrary, the team you hire will want to work closely with you in order to provide the best results.

They’ll get to know your brand from the inside out and ask for your input every step of the way. They’ll educate you about what makes a truly innovative, profitable digital marketing campaign as they create one for you.

6. Track and Adjust Your Campaign

Even with the best people working on your campaign, there’s still no guarantee that you’ll get everything just right on the first try. But, you can track and adjust your digital marketing efforts as things progress.

This is not a tool that you finalize once, run, and leave alone. A digital marketing campaign is something that you have to constantly track and tweak in order to get great results, which is another way having an entire agency behind you helps.

7. Learn as Much as You Can  

Whether you’re researching the online behaviors of users in your market or identifying what can be improved in your new campaign, you should always be learning. This is essential to succeed in digital marketing.

There’s a constant flow of new studies being done and tools being used and ways to generate effective results. Not to mention, it pays to keep an eye on Google’s algorithm changes.

Make Your Digital Marketing Strategy Stand Out from the Rest

If you’re just now thinking of creating a digital marketing strategy, you have a lot of catching up to do. You can’t afford to make mistakes and you need to focus on generating a large online audience – which means taking attention away from competitors.

Your best shot at producing something that’s unique and profitable is to work with an agency. Luckily, you’ve come to the right place.

Click here to discover everything we can do for you!

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