How Your Boise Business Can Benefit From Hiring SEO Specialists

Did you know that there are currently more than 1.1 billion websites floating around on the internet? Some of those sites may never get a single visitor, while others may get thousands or even millions of visitors every month.

If you are trying to move your Boise business online, you might be wondering what you might need to do to ensure that your website doesn’t fade into obscurity. 

The trick behind making your website a success has to do with SEO. Specifically, it has to do with hiring SEO specialists. Specialists have not only the experience but the tools to craft your website in a certain way that makes it irresistible to visitors and, of course, potential customers.

But what is SEO exactly, and why is it so important to the success of your business? What can an SEO company do for you that you can’t do on your own? Read on to find out.

What Is SEO Exactly?

SEO stands for “search engine optimization” and it has everything to do with how search engines like Google can find your website. But this description alone is not enough to explain exactly what SEO is or how it works.

More specifically, SEO is a set of practices that you can employ for your website to make sure that search engines see your website and then promote it for other people to see. 

If your website is not crafted to maximize the benefits of SEO, your website will quickly fall into obscurity and no one will ever have the chance to see it. Ultimately, no one will have the chance to see the services or products your company can offer either.

In the world of SEO, Google (and other search engines) are only able to see and promote websites if they fit certain prerequisites. 

These prerequisites have to do with the specific type of information that websites may (or may not) provide. For example, if someone wants to search for “red shoes,” Google will make sure that only relevant articles would show up.

It wouldn’t make much sense for a search engine to provide results to completely unrelated articles such as those that have to do with gardening equipment. 

Ranking high on Google is also very important for the success of your business’s website. Ranking high on Google has to do with your website ending up on the first page of Google.

Very few people ever bother to click on the second or even the third page of the results on Google. This is because the websites on the first page of Google usually have everything someone might be looking for.

So, what is the secret behind optimizing your website and improving its search engine rank? 

The Importance of SEO Keywords

One of the most important aspects of SEO has to do with keywords. Keywords are a string of particular words that someone might type into a search engine. For example, “red shoes” would be considered a keyword. 

If your website happens to sell red shoes, you will want to make sure that you have that keyword included in various parts of your website. After all, if your company sells red shoes but you don’t list this keyword anywhere on your website, how will a search engine ever be able to rank your website for this keyword?

But putting a bunch of keywords throughout your website and blogs unfortunately won’t help your website reach Google’s first page. 

Instead, there are a few more details you need to consider. While it might be tempting to stuff your website with popular keywords, doing this won’t get you anywhere fast. This is because stuffing your content with keywords is appropriately termed “keyword stuffing” and can come across as spammy not only to your viewers but to search engines as well. 

More than that, choosing popular keywords isn’t always your best bet. People might think that because keywords like “lifestyle” or “foodie” are extremely popular, if they use them in their website’s content, their website should see a sudden spike in popularity. Again, the magic of keywords isn’t so simple. 

After all, many other websites will be using those same keywords because they are so popular. For that reason, those keywords will be extremely competitive. If larger and more established websites use the same keywords as you do, those websites will usually stomp your website into the dust. 

Instead, you will want to choose keywords that will let your brand stand out on the world wide web. 

Choosing the Right Keywords With SEO Specialists

While it might sound counterintuitive, choosing slightly less popular keywords may be in your best interest. This is especially true if your website is new and you’re still trying to grow and establish yourself. By choosing less popular keywords, you won’t have to compete as much with larger websites for the same keywords. 

Longer keywords, known as long-tail keywords, may also benefit you. Long-tail keywords are keywords that involve more words, usually around five or so words. The longer the keyword, the more specific it will be, which means that you will be able to attract a more niche audience. 

For example, since the keyword, “red shoes” is too broad and popular, you might want to try using a more specific one like “red high-heel shoes for women.” By choosing a more niche keyword, you can target a potential audience. In this case, you would target an audience mostly of women looking for red high-heel shoes rather than those looking for red shoes in general. 

Even though you might not get as many visitors to your website right away, you will be able to build a more niche collection of visitors. Those who visit your website will also be more likely to remember that you sell a more niche product compared to other websites.

All this information might sound complicated to you, especially if you’ve never tried using SEO keywords before. 

However, you don’t have to dive into the ocean of SEO alone. By hiring digital marketing SEO specialists, you can make sure that all of your website’s keywords are of the highest quality. By hiring specialists, you also can lift a huge weight off of your shoulders. 

Instead of having to take on the responsibility of SEO alone, there are professionals that can help you (and your website) improve. 

Adding Keywords to Your Content

Adding keywords to your content doesn’t stop at scattering a few here and there or choosing the perfect long-tail keyword. Instead, you will need to figure out what places on your website might be the best places to put certain keywords. Fortunately, SEO specialists would be able to help you with that. 

You already know that keywords should be in the meat of your website’s content, that is, the text, but where else should you put them? The title is the most obvious option. If you were to search for red shoes on Google and you found a website without that keyword in the title, why would you ever click on it?

How can you be sure that the website has anything to do with what you’re searching for? On the other hand, if you put the main keyword in the title of your website or blog, your viewers will never be confused as to what you are marketing or providing information about.

In some cases, it can be hard to figure out how to make a certain keyword fit into a title. 

However, SEO services would be able to make this process a breeze. They would also know how to make your title especially catchy and clickable. After all, having a title that lures in viewers is half the battle. 

But more than adding keywords to your content and title, adding them to your headers is also very important. Any SEO specialist will tell you that headers alone are important. They are able to break up your content so it is more scannable and easy to read. 

After all, most people don’t like to read blocks of text. Big blocks of text can be hard to stare at for too long.

Increase the Quality of Your Website

As the owner of your business’s website, you are likely proud of your website and don’t want too much of it to change. After all, even though it’s new, how bad can it be? As it turns out, your website might have many more problems with it than you might even realize.

This may be especially true if you don’t know much about how SEO works. As we have seen, SEO has a lot to do with keywords, but it also goes far beyond that. SEO can reach into the way your website functions as well. 

For example, you might not realize that your website loads at a slightly slower pace than other websites. What does this mean for you and your business website exactly?

Even though it may not seem very important to you, a website that is slightly slower than others can be a horrible problem for the success of your website. 

An SEO specialist will be able to spot a slow website from a mile away. The reason why having a slow website is so bad is that people who are searching for things on the internet are generally very impatient. When they are searching for an answer to their question or for a product, they want to find their results as fast as possible. 

They don’t want to stare at a blank page waiting for a website to load even if it might only take a few extra seconds out of their day. If a viewer clicks on your website but finds that it is taking too long to load, the viewer will most likely click away and instead find a website that will load faster and provide faster results.

You might not know where to start with this problem, which is why SEO specialists exist. 

Your Website’s URL Matters

Many people who don’t know much about SEO don’t realize that even the URL of a website can make a difference. You have likely already seen websites that have URLs that are not optimized for search engines. Your own website’s URL may be among them. 

A URL that is not optimized will more or less look like a long string of letters, numbers, symbols, and other gibberish. This kind of URL doesn’t have much use other than to be an eyesore. After all, if you want people to go to your website, you will never be able to tell them the whole URL and people will never be able to remember it either. 

More than that, a URL full of jumbled numbers and letters will not have any useful keywords in it except, perhaps, the name of your website or business. Even so, if the name of your website is very local or has a very particular name, there’s a good chance that people won’t be able to find your website from the name alone, especially if it’s new. Instead, people tend to search for the names of products, services, or information. 

For that reason, it’s important to make sure your website’s URLs are all crafted for search engine optimization. If you have no idea where to start with that, don’t worry. SEO specialists will be able to help you to give your website the best URLs possible. 

One of the best things you can do for your website’s URL is to shorten and simplify it. By doing this, it becomes easy to remember and much more searchable. You will be able to tell someone your website’s URL without having to write down a long string of nonsense. Adding a keyword to the URL can be helpful too.

Add Backlinks to Your Website for More Traffic

Backlinks are also known as external links. These links are links located on other websites that lead back to your website. You might be wondering what the use is of having links on other websites, but backlinking is actually one of the most important SEO strategies you can employ. 

What makes adding backlinks so special is that it gives the chance for people of another website to discover your website. Usually, the best backlinks are those located on websites that are slightly larger and more popular than yours.

Since more people are going to that alternative website, more people will have the chance to click on a link that leads to your website, ultimately giving your website more traffic as well. 

Linking to a website that is smaller than yours usually won’t be very beneficial. Linking to a website that is unrelated to yours will also not be very helpful. After all, if your website sells shoes, for example, you won’t want to have a backlink to a website that sells gardening equipment. More likely than not, the audience for one topic will not be too interested in the other topic.

On the other hand, by staying within the same niche, visitors from the other website may discover other similar items or services on your website that they might like. This is not to mention that by adding backlinks, search engines will favor your website more. 

This is because search engines like Google tend to view websites with backlinks as more trustworthy and relatable. By linking with other websites, especially high-quality websites, you will be able to boost your website’s trustworthiness and rank as well. If you are unsure how to start backlinking, don’t worry.

SEO specialists can help and choose only the best sites for backlinking.

The Benefits of Paid Search Marketing for Your Website

An organic search result is when your website’s SEO is enough to boost your website high on Google’s radar. However, if your website is just starting out, it can be very difficult to get organic results. This is because ranking high on a search engine in an organic manner takes plenty of time and patience. 

And, of course, if you are trying to build your website’s SEO on your own, the process might take even longer. Fortunately, however, you don’t have to wait around and hope that your website’s organic search results will get better with time. Along with organic results are paid search results and marketing. 

Whenever you search for something on Google, you will almost always see a few ads at the top of the page. These first few results even have the word “ad” beside them. These websites are perfect examples of paid search marketing. 

These websites may not be as organically popular as the other websites on the rest of the search engine’s page. However, this does not mean that these promoted websites are of any lesser quality than any of the other websites on that same page. The only main difference is that the website owners paid to be on the first page. 

If your website is struggling to gain traction in the world of SEO, paid search marketing can be a great idea. It gives your website the chance to be seen by thousands, if not millions of people. And, after all, the more people that see your website, the more traffic you will eventually get. 

SEO specialists can help you with paid search marketing like no one else. By analyzing different factors and statistics, they can help your website reach the front page without any problems. It can be the perfect head-start.

SEO Services and Advertising Campaigns

Out of all the services you can choose from SEO specialists, advertising campaigns are among the best. Working on SEO on your own can only take you, your website, and your business so far. Sooner or later, you will need some help when it comes to bringing your website to fresh new eyes and new audiences. 

Advertising campaigns can help you do just that. When you work with SEO specialists, the specialists will be able to help you find what makes your website unique and how to make it even more unique. By doing this, your website can stand out among all the thousands of other similar websites. 

An SEO specialist can also help to make sure that your website is being seen where it usually isn’t. For example, a specialist might be able to help promote your website on various social media platforms. Putting up advertisements for your website across all the corners of the internet may also be a good idea. 

The more people that see your website, the better. The more times people see your brand, the more likely they will be to click on your website the next time they see it. SEO specialists can make sure that your website is more clickable and interesting than it ever would be otherwise. 

By making your website irresistible, you can be sure that your website will receive a large influx of traffic sooner or later. And from that traffic, you are likely to get plenty of new customers. You might even end up with a lot of returning customers as well. 

While you could try creating an advertising campaign on your own, you’ll find it will be much harder. More than that, you would likely spend more money than you would when hiring an SEO professional. 

Everything You Need to Know About Hiring SEO Specialists for Your Business Website

If you were wondering what the point might be of hiring SEO specialists for your Boise business, you now know about all the benefits. From saving yourself time and money to making your website more successful, there are plenty of reasons to hire SEO professionals. To learn more, don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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