
With about one in ten Facebook users willing to hit the “buy” button when they see something in a Facebook ad, the market is growing.

Facebook and its associated tools are starting to find ways to attract customers and get users to open their wallet, whether through ads of Facebook Messenger. Believe it or not, you can interact with your customers and potential users via Messenger and get them interested based on data alone.

Here is everything you need to know about ads that use Facebook’s Messenger service.

Getting to Know Messenger Ads

If you’re looking for ways to engage with your audience more directly than with a standard message or email blast, Facebook Messenger Ads are the way to go. You get the chance to drive new types of interactions to help grow your sales.

Instead of driving people to a page to get them to buy something, you can send them a sponsored message that’s directed to them. By using some of the data that Facebook helps to provide to you, you can relate to them and lower the risk of them bouncing away.

You get to generate real conversation with your audience based on things they already care about. Instead of treating them as just another person on your list, you can have a sincere engagement.

After you make some initial contact, you can have personalized customer service tailored to each customer. Here are four of the reasons why you should rely on the Messenger App for ads.

1. Get to Everyone Faster

One of the fastest-growing trends on websites in every industry is the chat support module. This is the way of the world when it comes to customer engagement. Messaging is a powerful way to interact and makes everyone feel like there’s a more personal engagement.

Your site needs to be using a live chat service if you want to appear competitive. Not only does it help you to get valuable conversions by keeping your company’s virtual shop alive, but it also lets frustrated users know you’re available.

You can grab and close in on leads faster and help to massage your existing customer base a lot better.

With email no longer a reliable way to respond to your customers, the way to run your businesses is through messaging. With most companies waiting at least a day to respond, you can be way ahead of the competition.

Ads on Facebook’s Messenger reach people quickly and efficiently. They increase your potential conversion rate as consumers are more likely to buy from you if they know how to reach you via Messenger.

2. Target People Locally

Facebook knows data, and when you have Facebook in your arsenal, you have an amazing tool that gives you the opportunity to find people closest to you. Building local brand awareness is vital to creating a strong base of 2 billion monthly users who feel a deep connection to your brand.

There’s even a “Local Awareness” tool that helps you create ads that end up on newsfeeds of people local to you. You can target a specific audience and figure out who needs to see your ads the most.

If you’re looking to work in the B2B space, you can still target other businesses who are like you or related to what you do. If you’re selling widgets for auto manufacturers, for example, you can target auto manufacturers as well as the people who are looking to do some DIY work.

Come up with offers that people want from your business and you might end up creating some foot traffic for your location. Offering local deals means serious conversion rates, so don’t miss out.

3. Start a Real Conversation

Facebook’s Messenger Ads are great for helping to start conversations with your audience. It’s hard to get a real interest in a new product, no matter how great it is. You never know how you’re going to create real sales unless you’re able to get a real measurement of how people feel about it.

Starting a casual conversation with your audience about how they feel about your products is a good way to get some feedback. Rather than having to keep pushing and just hoping you get the sales you want, you can get measurable results.

Don’t ask your clients to just sign up or buy right away. You can hit them up and see what’s working for them and what’s not.

When you show you’re available and interested, they’ll respond. This helps feed more people into your sales funnel.

4. Personalize Your Ads

More than anything else, you should make sure that your ads feel personal to your users. They should be able to feel like the way that you interact with them is unique and based on who they are and their real interests.

It can feel like an invasion of privacy to send personalized messages to people who you aren’t really connected to. However, with Facebook, they make sure that you’re only targeting people who’ve interacted with your ads. This helps to filter things down to the people who already seem interested.

You get to abandon a lot of the creepiness attached with direct messaging and then get to hit up people who already seem interested.

Since it’s hard to convert users, just a little bit of personalization, perhaps based on the ad they clicked before, can help you hit targets with a little more accuracy.

Facebook Messenger Holds Secrets

While most of the purpose of using Facebook Messenger is to stay in touch with friends, relatives, and colleagues, you could be using it to make money. If you’ve set up an account that collects data from your ads and other contacts, you could be able to target ads with more accuracy than any other tool you use.

If you’re wondering whether digital marketing is really better than traditional marketing, check out our latest guide for details.

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