website conversions

7 Reasons Your Website Conversions Are Low & How to Fix It

What might be causing poor website conversion and how can you fix it?

Getting clicks is one thing, but if action and ultimately conversions don’t come with those clicks, you’re not monetizing your website the way you should.  You need  users to engage with your site and move towards becoming loyal, paying buyers.

Here are 7 common reasons why your website conversion is low and what you can do to fix it.

1. You’re Not Making the Right First Impression

You never get a second chance to make a great first impression.

While there may be a little bit of flexibility to this rule in the real world, the online world is much less forgiving.

You only have a matter of seconds to grab users’ attention, let them know what you do and whether you offer what they need.

If users don’t like what they see or can’t find what they’re looking for fast, they have no reason to stay on your site and will click away.

Luckily, high bounce rate is usually the product of poor design, and design is pretty easy to change.

Rework your site so that it is easy to read and navigate, and users will be more likely to stay on and interact with the page.

2. You’re Attracting the Wrong Readers

There’s a slight but significant difference between bass and *bass*. If you sell instruments but are attracting anglers, you’re going to run into some disinterested customers.

While search engine algorithms are improving, they’re not immune to mistakes. If your keywords are not spot on, you may be attracting the wrong readers, which in turn hurts your conversion rate.

Two quick and easy ways to readjust your site are through the use of qualified paid ads and customer outreach.

These methods can help tip the balance and get your site appearing in the right web searches again.

3. You’re Forgetting Mobile Users

Odds are, you’re reading this article on either smartphone or another mobile device right now.

Like you, your readers are more likely to access your website on a mobile device than through a regular desktop or laptop computer.

Mobile traffic overtook desktop usage a few years ago. Despite this, many people still haven’t updated their websites to accommodate mobile users.

This issue is something that could alienate hundreds of potential customers and, in turn, cause your conversion rate to drop.

Once again, updating your web design — specifically your sites mobile design — will end this problem. And the new surge of mobile users will give your conversion rate a healthy boost.

4. Your Site Is Confusing

To successfully interact with your website, your users need to understand it.

If your users are unable to navigate your site, odds are they will leave, which could be what’s causing the significant dent in your site conversions.

The issue could also lie in a lack of pertinent information about your available products and services. If your users are unclear on exactly what it is you do, they’re not going to stick around to find out.

One of the easiest ways to take care of this issue by revamping your site to improve navigation.

Add a search bar to your site so users can locate what they’re looking for, and install a filtering and sorting system to keep everything organized.

Additionally, you can help cut back on confusion by making sure you have full, clear and concise write-ups on all your products or services.

While you don’t want your site to appear cluttered, it’s vital to provide your customers with the answers to any questions they may have.

5. Users Don’t Trust You

The online world is full of danger — which means, most savvy web surfers know to stay on their toes at all times.

If your users aren’t sure if they can trust you, they’ll likely leave your site without any interaction at all, tanking your conversion rate.

Fortunately, gaining the trust of your users isn’t all that hard, all you need is a little proof.

Make sure your site includes contact and about pages that are easy to find. Include all pertinent contact information, real customer reviews if you have them, and even pictures of your team.

6. Out of Date Web Design

Technology is moving pretty fast these days. While you may have updated your website a few years ago, there’s a good chance it’s already out of date.

If your website is beginning to look a little dated, this could wind up deterring users resulting in low conversion rates.

But, all you need to do to get your customers clicking again is give your site a facelift.

Web design can be a little daunting. If you feel lost, let us help you put together a responsive site your users will love.

7. You’re Not Optimized

If your website conversion rate is running low, your issue could also lie in your site’s Search Engine Optimization.

If your site isn’t optimized accurately, you could be missing out not only on site traffic but also site conversions.

Navigating the world of SEO can be a little treacherous — if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Algorithms are continually changing, which means the best tactics are also in a constant state of flux.

While it is possible to optimize your site yourself, this is a fix better left to the pros.

Increasing Your Website Conversions

Getting a spike in traffic on your site can feel wonderful — but, your website is not a museum. Yes, you want to be visible, but you also want your users to touch everything.

Without customer interaction, your website is all but useless. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to improve your site to favor user interaction and boost your site’s conversion rate.

By following this guide, you’ll be able to identify your site’s weak points and figure out what needs fixing.

The little work optimizing your site requires will be more than worth it and will do a lot to boost your bottom line in the long run.

Need a little more help getting your site in tip-top shape?

Our goal is to get your business running at it’s very best, and part of that is by making sure you have a fantastic website. Contact us today for more information about our services or to get started.

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