
7 Benefits of Google Shopping Ads for Small Businesses

Online shopping is a huge part of our current economy.

Emerging as a new online business has proved itself difficult. It takes plenty of dedication to developing marketing strategies and promoting yourself through any platform possible. 

You may have tried the countless Instagram posts and quick Facebook updates but feel you’re still struggling. Routes of improvement seem low, but you may actually be missing a big opportunity. 

Google Shopping Ads elevate the way your online shop does business. Keep reading for 7 reasons you should be using them. 

1. Better Customer Intent

Google Shopping helps you target an audience that’s ready to buy. Standard ads appear during quick searches on Google, but Google Shopping presents customers with the products they are specifically looking to buy.

How does this help you? Well, it’s not just an annoying ad someone will quickly scroll past. It’s a picture of the product with a price tag attached. All it takes is one click on the ad, and they’re directed to your site.

This helps you attract customers who are actively on the hunt for the product you’re selling, not people who just happened to click on your ad while originally looking up how to make a DIY bath salt.

2. Great Customer Experience

High-quality digital marketing is extremely effective, especially when the customers are kept at ease when responding to ads. 

I’m sure many of us have clicked on an ad that transferred us to a general shopping page. We then had to click around to find the specific product we were wanted in the first place. 

With Google Shopping Ads, your future customer is directly transferred over to the exact product they saw in your ad photos. There aren’t any guessing games on how they can find the product on your site. This results in less stress and a happier customer. 

Plus, once they know how easy you make it for customers to shop, they’ll keep returning for more. Good customer experience builds a pool of loyal customers. 

3. Broader Exposure

If you were to only use text ads, you would have to bid on specific keywords for the specific product you’re trying to sell. Your product would only appear with the keywords tied to your product.

However, with Google Ads, you’ll gain broader exposure because you don’t have to bid on any keywords. Google assists in choosing the keywords associated with your products, and they even are smart with synonyms. 

For example, if someone searched for “new pink bag”, your product for “pink purse” might come up on their screen. In addition to this, if you have several similar products, they might all show up in one search depending on the keywords.

4. Easier for You

Advertising with Google is easier for you as a business owner because you don’t have to do the work of bidding for keywords. You can forget the hours of keyword research on top of your usual workload. 

When creating a Google Shopping ad, all you’ll have to do is submit the data around your particular product, including title and a photo. Google will do the research on keywords for you. 

Whew, this leaves a little time for lunch for you!

5. Higher Clarity for Customers

When customers are only seeing text ads, they grow to be more frustrated. Many text ads can be misleading. They often incorrectly communicate product characteristics and pricing. 

Google ads give a clear picture of the product along with a price tag. This way, customers aren’t being disappointed by clicking on your ads. They know exactly what to expect when being directed to your store page.

This is why it’s important to provide high-quality photos for your ads. Make sure you use the right lighting, show any necessary details, and set up an eye-catching background.

Even if you’re selling an amazing product, people won’t click on your ad when you provide a not-so-great photo.

6. Increased ROI

ROI is your Return on Investment. It compares what you originally invested into something to the return you received for your efforts. The higher the ROI, the greater your returns. 

Let’s say you invest a good chunk of money into some text ads. You bid on keywords, did the hours of research, and worked hard to create a text ad for a new product. Your ROI might not be as high as it could be because people aren’t interacting as much with ads without photos.

When you invest in Google Search Ads, you may notice a higher ROI. This comes from people clicking on your photos, being directly linked to the buying page, and clicking the purchase button. It’s a quick process with big results for your business.

A higher ROI allows you to then turn the increased return into bigger budgets for future business moves! You can buy more ads, create more products, or invest in new staff members.

7.  A Better Edge on Other Competition

What do all these things mean for you? It means you can get a foot up on the competition. Your ads will be catching attention and bringing you the revenue you’ve been wanting to see.

As you create ads and learn from any mistakes, you’ll keep improving on how you set up a Google ad. This will only continue to boost you as an online store. Your ads will cut through the static.

Boost Your Online Store and Invest in Google Shopping Ads

If you want to attract more customers with higher buying intent, make sure to create Google Shopping Ads. They are a sure way to boost online sales and give your business the attention it deserves.

Google Ads will take a heap of the workload off of you by searching keywords, and you’ll gain broader exposure. All you have to do is submit the data and a dazzling product photo and title. Once it’s all submitted, sit back and watch your ROI increase.

Do you need some guidance on marketing plans, SEO, and advertisements? Look no further. Check out our website and contact us

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